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What If?

Have you ever looked at someone else who is striving to do the impossible, create a company, lose weight, or just achieve something and thought, there is just no way.

Then, most likely that is how you truly see your own chances of overcoming the impossible or achieving it.

To believe in your self is key and to move step by step to be at the place that was seemingly impossible before for you, but now is possible, is what we do as human beings.

And much is written on the powers of focused intentional thought, visualisation and consistent action to move forward.

I have been on both sides of this coin as I am sure most people have. I have seen people achieve where I didn't even think it was possible or even likely, and I have done and achieved overcome where people have also thought it unlikely in their perspective of the world and or their perspective of me.

Firstly, how do we judge our selves and believe what we can do? Well, we start with a dream and move forward slowly but surely with faith in ourselves and the universe.

And whether alone or in a team, whether supported by others opinions or not, there will always be the “nay sayers”. In some ways this is good as we can observe objectively where we are in relation to a world paradigm. If I said I am going to the moon for the weekend, it would appear that I have lost the plot. But in 100 years, most likely not.

When we journey forward be careful not to judge others the way we are also judged. If someone says they can do something with a genuine drive with their current understanding of the universe, then maybe they can.

The pitfalls and obstacles are completely different for all of us, so how can we see the whole picture from their perspective. We listen with an open mind. And in that moment we also enable our own dreams. By closing off the “possibility just in our minds eye” of someone else's dream then we limit our own, simply by cutting off that avenue of relationship with the Universe. “Judge others not, lest you be judged,” may well be more to do with this relationship with the Universe than any moral principals. As when you judge others you limit yourself and will perhaps draw to yourself an experience of treading a pit filled journey, which in our long entrenched historical minds is labelled “punishment”. Self fulfilled prophecy etc.

Christ said you can do what I have done and more. Well, he was a little more enlightened and had very good connection with God. But actually, maybe this is how we limit ourselves. We can achieve anything “today” within the paradigm of thought of what is possible today, but stretch the limits of what is possible in our projected minds of taking that action each and every day. The key is that when you make a small step forward that paradigm and world of possibility on a quantum level just changed, so the next step enables the way forward even more.

We build muscle in body, in mind and in spirit but also in how we relate to the world around us.

We shift dimensions if you like as we change for the better or the worse. The choice is yours as an individual but also as an observer of others, how we join or don't join collectives of thought.

There are collective opinions and judgements and those people move side by side into their own versions of what the world is and what is possible too.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.


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