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The Supernatural Bit


by thomas Fairfoot. Available on amazon.

Foreword by author ( before the supernatural bit)

The book "Gladiators of light" was first written over ten years ago. Since then I have continued to study and be very much guided in my thoughts in how to overcome all addictions and move to a more productive and happy life. A lot of my current writing on this area is at:

Gladiators of light was my first powerful brush with what can only be described as the supernatural and the beginning of a genuine conversation and guidance from God and his angels on a constant basis, which continues, trust me, to amaze me as well. My perspectives have become a little more rounded and educated to the subject matter. But I like “Gladiators of light” as it reveals the naive me discovering a lot of the powerful truths that I further talk about in later books and articles, for the first time. I decided not to edit it to make it more concise or polished, as I quite like the rambling conversational style that evolved mostly out of shock and trying to come to understand what I had experienced.

As a writer on this subject matter , I look at all areas of thought that offer a unique perspective into lifestyle, attaining goals and moving from negative thought patterns. Another perspective perhaps then on what is up to now been labelled self-help.

Self-Help traditionally has been perceived as a weak position of someone who needs help and assistance to achieve personal fulfilment and their goals. People with negative thought patterns which express in behaviours such as addiction, depression and self sabotage or just leading a self imposed limited life. And that is how it is treated.

As powerlessness.

We are powerless over any drug or substance, or situation we are in, but not how we choose to live or deal with it or our perspective on it. We are “powerless” in our self-pity and self-limiting thoughts, but we are “powerful” when we decide to change our view on everything that limits us, starting with our thoughts. Change your thoughts, change your life.

I believe we are dealing with the human condition and approaching it from a new perspective on spiritual and scientific areas which I have labelled quantum meets spirit. Very simply put everyone has highs and lows at some point in life to varying extremes.

The science world is currently being led by evolving areas of thought in quantum physics. In spiritual terms, we are seeing for the first time the common truths that bring us together, a spiritual awakening.

Quantum science and spirit are seen as opposites, but with closer inspection actually say the same thing. That impacts our understanding of the universe and ourselves as physical and spiritual beings.

We have traditionally looked, particularly in the west, at the human condition with a great deal of psycho-analytical chatter, but should also take into account, in addition to that useful dialogue, how we work with the universe and everything around us within the laws of attraction and our connection with our limited understanding of God and the spirit world from which we come and return.

From this perspective and knowing, we have the knowledge and the tools to lead successful, productive and happy lives, without the desperate need to fill those gaps of need and lack perpetuated by the various forms of negative escapism, notably excessive use of drugs, alcohol, smoking and the feeling of lack or emotional emptiness.

It is also worth mentioning that there is concept called "Slider", which is a more sci-fi term for people who seem emit a higher electrical voltage around them. At a simple level you just can't wear a watch. Certainly, I am not alone. There is a spiritual awakening across the globe and of course and there fore a greater awareness of the biological and so called paranormal effects around us as we experience a new perspective of this dimension and the next.

The book as with all my writing is guide of positive help out of negative thought patterns. The question is how do I know all this stuff, and the best way to explain that is due to many experiences that started with some on the paranormal that I relate in this extract below.

The following is not for the sensitive or fanatical. It's just an account of events.

The supernatural bit!

I anticipate that many people will dismiss this part of my book as the ravings of ex-drug addict who was hallucinating.

I wish the explanation were that easy.

I was even more afraid of the after-life due to some rather lucid brushes with demons than I was of the thought of death itself.

My back ground is also perhaps worth mentioning. I grew up with a clairvoyant mother, so admittedly I was used to a certain amount of the paranormal, but honestly never really bought into it 100 percent, or gave it much thought. I have always believed in God, but like most people, it was a more father xmas notion, and didn’t really pay much attention or actually wasn’t that interested. I was busy living life, not worrying about what happens next.

As a child, like most kids, I remember seeing things in my room at night and also had a pretty vivid imagination. So maybe it could be explained that gave me a pre-disposition to imagining all this. Maybe. But I doubt it.

I doubt it a lot.

I have had many extraordinary experiences, but also many experiences where I am just led or being looked after. It's actually impossible to ignore even on the most rational viewpoint. When things continue to happen around you or to you, and there is no other explanation other than the one staring you in the face, then that is the explanation.

It has to be said also I never experienced anything for years while first "using". The catalyst was when an ex-girl friend took her life. It took me to a very dark place to put it mildly. I think then my usage plus the place I was at seemed to open whatever portal it was. But on the other hand, even years after I had found God, I continued battled to stop using, but I never experienced again what I did in that short time.

I continued to feel the presences of “not pleasant spirits” but in later years,

I was much more protected in spite of revisiting my stupid addiction. I will try and explain just some of the experiences in the most rational way possible.

Another thing to mention during this time and whilst having periods of clean and sober time. I still attempted to review almost in a scientific frame of mind some of the things I had experienced.

So as I said in the beginning of this ramble, Here goes.

Some of the more interesting observations I made during that time were that when a good energy was around, the lights seem to blaze. And not so good energies, electronic devices, phone even my car battery were suddenly drained of power. The spirit world seems to exist on a different frequency as it were. Most of this time I just put it down to weird stuff happening and also accepted I was a little paranoid. Years of drug and alcohol abuse kind of leave you with quite a few years after of extreme paranoia. But having had many years of distance from all of this, I can certainly tell the difference between what was mental paranoia and the rather more bizarre happenings.

I had seen and experienced demons on many occasions when I had drug binged, for want of a better phrase, and was near death. They were keen to push me all the way. Some weeks after, having been clean, there was still much activity in the house. Shadows creeping round walls, disturbing forms or reflections, sounds, freezing patches of air. The lights tended to brighten when I assumed angels were around. You can never quite believe that there are beings in the house, angels or demons. The first rational thought is always that there must an intruder in the house. Yet I was at a loss for a convincing explanation.

My house then, was equipped with an alarm system that had light indicators that would react to movement in each room. One night on such an occasion. I had established there was no one in the house by running from room to room! Extreme paranoia, perhaps. I certainly thought it could all be in my head, and in spite of feeling the usual cold and freezing patches in “different” sections of the house (therefore I wasn’t just feeling cold! ) and basically sensing something in the house. I decided to check logic and see the movement sensor display in my room. Scarily, it showed two or three movement light sensors turning on at the same time, and movement in an area where I could see there was nothing. Needless to say, this was disturbing. The next day, the sensor worked perfectly well, indicating there was no fault with the system.

I recall the most horrifying night, yet despite the terror, in retrospect, there was something calming about it as well. If you never see the monster, you will always be afraid. But if you stand, and face it, as terrifying as it might be, once seen, it loses its hold on you. One night, I sensed a being fleeing from room to room, taunting me by lurking just behind me at all times. At one point I turned and stared right at it.

It was horrific. And very real in that instant. I stopped in horror and it disappeared within a few seconds. But in those seconds, I was frozen to the ground, my eyes absorbing every detail of the horror before me. There were indeed "many" beings. Now, this is a strange point for me in my book. In the first draft i described what I saw. Years later in this draft I decided not to even give it place in the book, or the minds of the readers. Why? No, I am not being dramatic! Because, what I saw was a collection of entities so lost, so horrific, that in the few seconds i glimpsed it, my mind went from terror to pity. This is for God and his angels to deal with. Such beings that have fallen so far are not to be hated or fought. They just flee when you see them. It’s like the scary monster under the bed, it’s frightening. But when you confront it, it really is nothing compared to the light of God and his angels. They have indeed lost already.

The same night I was drawn to the front door and after looking through the spy hole, I saw some kind of human form in a long dark cloak and, oddly, a bowler hat, waiting by the front door. It seemed to sway side to side. The first thing I noticed was that this being had no legs. I pulled the door open to confront it but nothing was there.

The next section I have kept as it simply highlights the real power is in Light, God and his angels.

So, at another point that same evening there were three beings just waiting in the shadows in the corner. They had huge shoulders and their eyes were a kind of disturbing muted gold colour. They just stood there, staring and waiting. There was no glimpsing here, they remained in sight.

The room was ice cold. More than just my heart racing and perhaps not pumping enough blood around my body, and again different parts of the room were freezing, and therefore not my body.

However, physically I was in serious trouble as the heart had been strained and now I was racing around the house chasing demons! Hallucination is indeed a word that comes to mind.

I still thought as you are now, ‘Maybe it’s all in my mind'. Unfortunately, at this point all the movement senses of the security system were lit up. The intention of these entities was clear and they didn’t care to hide.

On a bizarrely happier and extraordinary note, it was that very hectic night I walked into my living room and I saw a blazing light outside. There was a kind of short female. She was turned away from me, with her arms by her sides, palms facing up. There was another figure on her left, also facing away. Light emanated from them. She was clad in a green tunic. She was an angel. What else? But my mind didn't register this when I saw her. I was in shock, trying hard to take it in and remember what I was looking at. Again I stared at her trying to take in every detail, and she remained, seemed to be for a long while, probably minutes.

She was praying outside the window of the living room on the stone stairs leading to my out house building. I had the impression as I watched she was instructing other angels. Perhaps to battle the demons, I honestly don’t know. There seemed to be various lights outside in the garden, in the middle of the night! My focus was on her. She was a being of light to put it simply. I mean light was coming from her, not a reflected light. It was pretty extraordinary. Even my vocabulary is limited in describing and my brain at the time could not comprehend what I was seeing. Her body was just slightly turned away from me. I was struck by her hands at her side turned outward as in prayer. I even saw the detail of the tunic she was wearing and remarked that it was like many different discs of light, is the most accurate and least imaginative way describing it. I gazed in wonder and disbelief as I stepped forward, expecting her to disappear. She didn’t. I was now frozen in a different kind of amazement. As I became afraid, she then disappeared. I checked for lights outside then and the next day. Nothing.

I even stood on the step, still unable to believe it. I went to bed and was fine.

Despite the beauty of that particular moment, "that time" in my life was like a horror movie. I have even seen, on other occasions, lost souls walking or standing, one time in Victorian clothes, half-seeing me as if in the same shock that I might not be real. Across another dimension perhaps.

I think my perceptions for a short time after this had been opened or heightened at it were. Since then, my heart has been healed with praying and just laying my hands on my chest with a powerful heat. Angels speak to me in warning and in comfort in high pitched sounds. I guess that there are other dimensions that exist on different frequencies and vibrations that my senses have been opened up to.

There did come a point in my addiction where I could genuinely clear all these images and physical terror simply by facing them and praying.

Nowadays, the battlefield, like everyone, is in the mind. But my connection to God and his angels is very real. It’s taken years to get here, and experiencing all that supernatural phenomena was deeply terrifying.

It was not these experiences, oddly enough, that led me away from my addiction and to find peace. Although they were a powerful nudge to make me start a journey to find God! It was actually years of God and his angels becoming more and more evident in my life in a long healing process that convinced me of his existence and powerful love for us.

Having said that, and at the time! The next day was a Sunday, and I decided to buy lots of crucifixes and put them in every room, as you do after seeing lots demons appearing in your house and two angels praying on your behalf!

The next day the lights kept fusing and going out. I was so afraid I called a priest. I should have called an electrician! Anyway, I left the house and stayed in a hotel. Two Pastors came some days later and did a kind deliverance from evil, they were throwing holy water on the walls, which was kind of irritating. Who’s going to clean that up I thought. It sort of worked but not really. What needed to be delivered was me, not the house.

Finally, I went to a very strong born again Christian church. They prayed over me. It was really like something out of ‘The Exorcist.’ I swore at the pastor. Told the priest to go f--k himself and that I would f--k him up, and then I burst into tears. At least my head didn’t swivel around.

Just a quick thought on possession: I am certain it’s real. But also I believe that fear can also rip your mind into fragments. One has to look at all arenas of thought on the subject. But here there was a spiritual decay in my soul. It wasn’t just my mind that was in dire need of healing.

By the way, this deliverance took place a long time after "cleaning" up.

It also went on for a while, they even brought in a second pastor. As they were praying, suddenly, I felt my neck was being strangled, but not by the pastor!! - something I couldn’t see was strangling me. It was as if an invisible snake was wrapped around my neck. The pastor was shouting for whatever it was to leave. I struggled desperately to breathe, consumed with fright. Finally, it left, and I felt lighter and relieved.

Despite the comic tone I use now, I wasn’t laughing then, trust me. I actually broke down in tears. You are being strangled by an invisible entity in the middle of the day with pastors around. Definitely scary stuff.

For a long time, I even had the thought that they must have had some hallucinogenic incense in the room. And remember that I was stone cold sober, as were the pastors, I hope. But that was more believable to me than a demon trying to strangle me right in the middle of the day in a room as a pastor frantically demanded that it leave, right? I just couldn’t get my head around it. Probably like most people reading this.

I had and have experienced many other demonic apparitions and the like, but the common thread to all my experiences was light, not dark. I survived each time. Each time my body was dying, the demons swirling round in great victory. But I lived. There were many more angels that protected me and brought my body back from the throes of death. Many times my heart went into spasm or gave up in and out of hospital. Sometimes paramedics were there. Mostly not. And on a more factual point for those rolling their eyes in disbelief. I had really damaged my heart and was told numerous times by medical practitioners I could easily have a heart attack even months later after using so much. On an X ray, my heart was physically swollen, like a knackered race horse. Those were the doctor’s actual words, honest. Today my heart is fine. Miracle, strong heart. You decide. I am just relating what I experienced.

I felt very humbled. That evening was extreme but I have lived through those kind of extraordinary supernatural evenings again and again and again. My purpose was clearly to relay all this to anyone who it might touch or help, and not to preach or be an upholder of any religious doctrine. The spiritual side is really what found me and not the other way round. I know most addicts want to preach and tell. I am really not so inclined. But here I am writing this book. It just somehow feels almost selfish not to write if it helps one person stop the madness of addiction.

I was so dumbfounded by these experiences that I couldn’t believe them or write about them for a long time. Hence the opening of the book.

I asked God for answers and help. I was clearly being allowed to live in spite of my utter stupidity and incredible doubting Thomas attitude toward all these events.

So, I asked and I was answered. The answers and guidance I have received over years since then are not from me and again I feel I cannot keep them from other addicts or anyone who has fallen into such depths of despair, if it helps at all. Many addicts will find different ways out of hell, but in my experience those who find lasting peace from the nightmare of addiction generally come to terms with form of spiritual guidance. And if you did find a way out from addiction, nothing to do with spiritual stuff. That’s awesome too. The key is to get your life back.

From my experiences though, I have faced the fact that we are under attack in our minds. Without some spiritual awareness and faith in God, evil can subtly reduce your life to ruins, one thought at a time. And when you are down, trust me, that is when the devil kicks you hardest.

So think about it: you must be pretty tough if he is too afraid to touch you when you are standing. We stand up in our minds with positive thought and in alignment with God. We fall down in our minds with negative thought and alone.

Our actions, our attitude, and how we live begins with our thoughts. And more importantly, we manifest, we attract the things we focus on.

I focused a lot on these demonic experiences for a long time. That wasn’t helpful. I ended up using again and experiencing other nights of horror.

I really really don’t recommend it. It is worse than a horror movie.

After this, I went back to the evangelical church to get help, and the people there were brilliant. However, a few weeks later when they started to say Barbie dolls and Spiderman were the devil’s creation, I decided to move on!

All journeys are inevitably towards good, but not all journeys are the same. We are all human and still trying to learn. I don’t judge them; they helped me and I am very grateful for their help, but I don’t think Barbie or Spiderman have done anything wrong!

To those of us, myself included, who have suffered the loss of a few friends and loved ones to addiction and depression by suicide or overdose, we inevitably start to get a little pissed off with His plan and question what He is doing. However, just remember God created everything and you. He might just have a better perspective on what’s going on with this planet. We all want answers, and if we got them all, it would probably blow our minds. And perhaps we should look to each to help those in such situations and certainly not judge them.

A last note on the supernatural. One of the many times I had taken a potentially fatal dose and I knew it was time up.

I thought there was no purpose in even calling an ambulance.

I was facing death head on. I was more than afraid. Even so, I decided to call an ambulance and as I tried to grab the phone, I went into a convulsion. The phone hit the floor and broke. My heart was smashing out of my chest as I faded in and out of consciousness.

By the time an ambulance got there, I would be dead. So I could only pray. There was nothing else to do. I prayed. I actually felt that I was in the palm of God’s hand, my heart which felt as though it was collapsing started to feel like it was being healed. I put my hand over my heart and a burning heat pulsed through, I also saw in my minds eye what was like knitting needles sewing my heart up. I also sensed very strongly it go either way and I decided to let go, let God choose. Those moments are terrifying and yet humbling. You have no say whether you live or die and this powerful entity is kind watching and holding you in the palm of his hand as it were.

I had no right anyway, I had made the choice to get into this state. There was no pleading or crying, I just let go and was sincerely sorry for being so stupid to waste such a powerful gift of life. As it seemed my life was over. You don’t stand on the high way and expect to live. For what? Drugs. A high, an escape?

The next day, when I woke, I felt I was holding someone’s hand. And for a good while that was very freaky. I then got up with a jump looked around. I was alive. The message that I have had loud and clear through all this is that, this is a journey which when it ends another starts, put simply. But in conclusion why waste such a valuable gift of life by self destructing in this fashion.

How do I explain that? How do I know this? Well, the same way you explain how you know someone loves you without words. Deep, unbreakable, unquestioning, unconditional. It’s what we all search for in all the wrong places and yet its there all the time from God and a soccer team of angels.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.


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