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The laws of attraction made simple.

The laws of attraction made simple.

Thought with emotional intent plus action equals things we attract.

We think, we do, and we create the world around us. Of course there are many things outside of our control. But essentially we make choices and decide what we do with our lives. Good and bad stuff happens anyway.

So what are the laws of attraction on about? We think positive and get positive. Why does it work sometimes and not others? Mostly because we are not always in control of our thoughts or even perceptions. The idea of confirmation bias in psychological terms explains how we see and fit in with the world around us from social to back ground to country to wealth or poverty experiences we grew up with. That is our core perception or belief system.

So, we already think and believe in a certain way before even trying to engage new positive thoughts.

It's easy to see this with people that are depressed that then become more depressed and so the downward spiral goes on. Generally our lives for most of us are happy and sad. There is balance. But how do we judge what makes us happy or sad. We succeed and we fail all the time. It's life.

But how do you succeed, continue to succeed and take the failures in your stride as learning obstacles. Well, that is what every self help book is out there trying to give 5 easy steps to accomplish.

Let's simply.

Thoughts create things is the general rule of the laws of attraction.

We think generally with regard to what is already happening around us, this then creates core beliefs. The core beliefs are generally re-inforced with emotion depending on the good or bad experiences we have. And so it follows as other things unfold that we start to create a more positive or more negative view on life. Media and a kind of internet voyeurism has perpetuated a more negative view of the human condition. There is much bad in the world, but there is also much good.

On a more specific level what does that world appear to you as? Not ignoring world issues but what about in your life? Your experiences thus far in your social network, work place and family?

How do you impact your life or not and how do you feel about that? In other words, are you doing what you want to do, achieving what you wanted to achieve?

Most of my articles are directed to those people who have escaped or try to escape the clutches extreme addiction and negative spirals of thought which lead to depression, anxiety, self sabotage, even self mutilation and sometimes suicide, intentional or just accidental overdose. But my belief is that we all suffer in varying degrees the clutches of self doubt and depression due to not achieving what we thought we could or should.

We live in a world where we all want the ferrari and the castle and the perfect partner. That may exist for a short time for some, but everything changes and therein is the answer to lasting happiness. An open mind that is constantly learning and understands that we do change and everything around us constantly changes. Are you same person you were ten years ago?

So now to what we want or desire. Simply thinking is not enough. We do attract what we think about with intentional emotion on a consistent level. I am fat and lonely, no one likes me? So if you think that and other people tell you that, then your thoughts become beliefs and then you are stuck in a pattern and your behaviour will perpetuate that life. And someone saying you can think you way out of it will seem absurd.

The more interesting thing is that we unwittingly work with the universe all the time. I want or desire something, or want to achieve something. I cannot get it, it's impossible.

It is impossible today. And will remain so each day you think about the ferrari or losing weight and don't see how it is possible today to start doing something about it today.

Want to be FIT? ….Then think ...I can go for a walk or a run today. Writer?...I can start to write a blog today.. Lonely?..I can go to a shopping mall and see other people. And then it. It doesn't matter how small or silly you think this is at first, do it consistently and do it with genuine feelings of being happy that you are on your way. Grateful for what you have that you can do this today.

So this builds in the material way “evidence” of moving forward. We need proof don't we?

Once you are in that vibrational frequency of positivity, you will naturally start to think well maybe I can look at running a marathon next. That would be awesome. How would that make me feel? And then the visualizing happens naturally. Because now it's fun. If you focus on the marathon and it makes you feel like it's impossible. Then it will remain impossible.

How do we sustain this positive behaviour, Most of us don't. We give up after a week, which is why breaking habits, addictions, negative thought patterns is so hard. The results are not quick enough, or evident at all, we think???

The most important and essential ingredient is, in “religious” terms Faith. Or in the laws of attraction“belief in the unseen”, “belief in your self”. And you can amplify your belief in your self by doing the small things everyday,

So, a little positive evidence of moving forward as we move forward, for ourselves, and massive self belief, visualisation to the desired result which is the goal, which will change as we reach each new goal. The universe will sort the rest. Simple.

The amount of faith in a mustard seed moving a mountain thing as someone very famous said. But he did know what he was talking about.

It is also simply knowing that we work with the universal field of attraction.

The more you move and think and feel. The more the universe moves and creates for you.

It works both ways.. So why not try the positive version. It makes life, or the journey, a whole lot more fun. And when you reach your destination, you will no doubt have a new destination in mind, but the journey was the whole point of it all. Because as I said we “change” all the time, you will never reach you destination as it continues to grow and evolve. When you have your ferrari, you will want to look after it or get a lamborghini. Just find the moments to be grateful as you move forward.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.

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