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Re-new your mind and succeed.

The more we evolve our consciousness and or minds, perceptions if you like, the more we evolve the questions we ask. The mind that remains creative needs to expand in order to create on a wider sense. Else you stay in the same box of thought your whole life.

You can't change a problem with the same frame of mind that created it or can't deal with it. So improve your mind, get perspective.

Even in day to day life. Expand your mind, learn new things. And even your coping mechanisms with stress, anxiety and just life in general improve for the better.

We live, we move forward. We try to do our best. Visualize, affirmations and positive thinking. All this “quantum theory stuff” that kind of high lights the idea that we should be focussing with emotive intention on what we want and not on what we worry about.

But life still seemingly throws us curve balls. And no one is brilliant at being positive all the time. How do we handle that?

We all make mistakes. But we learn to get up again. The problem is us judging ourselves harshly and being worried what other people think. What other people think of me is none of my business. How many times have you fallen? Does it matter if you keep picking yourself up.

Who is going to throw the first stone? We all know the stone throwers are generally the ones trying to hide from their own mistakes by blaming someone else. Particularly the religious fanatics. In their minds you stop “sinning” and that's an end to it. We are human, we strive to be better. Not perfect. If you think you are perfect then you are bunking with red bloke with a pointy fork.

There will always be others who are better at certain things, who have more, who seem more blessed. Looks, talent, opportunity, the list is endless. But God made each of us all for a purpose, and so we are exactly the right person for that purpose. No one else can do it. The resentments we hold onto , hold us back. The mistakes we make are just a journey to get to the right place, If we choose to learn from them and not dwell in them.

Self doubt, self punishment, guilt and shame are what will stop you from living the life God intended for you. Ask forgiveness and forgive yourself. And move forward and create a better life from now.

So who is still throwing stones or judging now? No one worthy of your attention. Change your perspective, what you focus on, your very vibrational frequency will change , and so will your life.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.


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