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Creativity tapped

Creatives all have the stigma of being drunk manic depressives. No one will say to a doctor at the beginning of his career, What if you fail? You are a doctor, you can't fail, It's a great job. With artists, always the question is, What if you fail.

The brain is powered by the same amount of electricity as a light bulb. This highlights the extraordinary nature of thought or mind. The conscious mind can expand a thought or an idea by association or logical progression or creative expansion to infinity. The exertion of the brain is the only limit, and in the subconscious, the same must be true although our minds are seemingly more fluid or open to creative thoughts in this state.

Perception is everything. The choice of the thought or how we are lead or allow ourselves to be lead in that thought journey. No one likes words like..Addiction, anxiety, depression even, negative self image. That's other people right.? But essentially this is at core of what stops creativity! The overrun mind that can't come up with creative ideas. It is simply a chain of illusions or wrong thought journeys that have lead us to self doubt, self negate, block creative thought or even self destruct with depression and anxiety and addictions. A chain of thought illusions that are not logical. The mind itself sometimes creates barriers to some positive progressions of thought. This is called the “negative ego” and is a learnt response, either by negative self-image imposed by others or one’s own repeated failure. Perhaps even a survival instinct to feel a certain way which no longer serves us but which through repetition has become hard-wired into our behaviour and therefore our self-view.

Basically thoughts like, "I am not good enough", or "I can't think of any good ideas, can't write the script", or at the lowest point of the spectrum of negative thought, "I need to escape".

The mind just gets too busy talking basically nonsense! Our inner monologue as it were. The key to clearing the clutter of a busy mind is to understand that our thoughts are not always our own, especially thoughts of doubt and negativity that overwhelm your mind. This is the manifestation of negative ego and self-limiting thoughts you have acquired over time.

A negative experience is just an experience; it doesn't have to define you now, or to constantly remind you of your failure. This is when the focus on the negative snowballs. Misery enjoys comfort, whether in the form or people judging you or you judging yourself harshly.

Ultimately, this is what slowly eats away and destroys a great deal of so called artists or creatives geniuses. Creative genius? or just a depressed person who has some talent.

How did we get to this place where our minds are so chaotic and overrun? At some point we were in pain for whatever reason and choose a path to alleviate that pain or survive it. We are human; we live and we make mistakes and sometimes continue repeating our mistakes for whatever reasons. Our soul, our higher self, grows further apart from our ever-growing negative ego identity, which is full of self-loathing and anger.

Observe the negative self image, allow it to be, move towards a more positive image and the creative mind opens up like a fountain. Your image of your self doing a simple task of being creative as opposed to a more angst ridden self image of a genius drinking late into the drink staring with anguish at a blank page.

A child genius who was composing musical scores at very young age was asked where he got his inspiration. He replied, without all the imposed logic and clever rhetoric of the learnt paradigms of psychology and religion that we stuff our heads with, very simply, he said his inspiration was like a river that flowed above his head and he just tapped into it!

Creativity doesn't have to be internal angst, it just has to a fun collaboration with whatever that universal source is flowing above our heads!

Change your perspective, what you focus on, your very vibrational frequency will change , and so will your life.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.

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