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We listen to music and feel better. So this is not new or surprising, but with a little investigation is "surprisingly" interesting.

We know that everything is made up of vibrating particles, and that within the particles is greater deal of space. So once again we are looking at the quantum arena of different dimensions existing at different frequencies. Not entirely difficult to comprehend since we only see a limited spectrum of light and indeed a limited range of sound.

It has long been thought that high pitched sounds are downloads or angels communicating with us, at a frequency we can't decipher with our hearing hearing range or comprehension of sound, but comprehend we do, at a deeper level. To hear or feel a sensation at a deeper level is to feel a vibration in the universe or the spirt level.

I was looking at sound as a way of healing and of course the internet is littered with people selling tuning forks to heal. Which may be very good, but my instinct is that we have music and the natural world that provide much of the sounds and combinations of sounds that will do the trick.

The key is to be aware of this and to listen. We can heal our selves by understanding and tapping into this world of sound. The most obvious is the OHM sound originating from Tibetan monks in meditation. Also described as the “Breath of God”. A healing and continued sound.

There is also much chat around the sound interval in music called the fifth.

Dr. John Beaulieu states that the fifth note has played an important role in many ancient teachings:

“the Chinese philosoper Lao Tzu referred to the fifth as the sound of universal harmony between the forces of Yin and Yang. In India, the fifth is believed to create a sound through which Shiva calls Shakti to the dance of life. Apollo, the Greek God of Music and Healing, plucked the fifth on his Sacred lyre to call dolphin messengers to Delphi where they channeled messages to the oracles. The Alchemists called the interval of a fifth crux ansata and considered it to be a transition point where matter crossed over into spirit. The crux ansata, also called the anak by the Egyptians, is a still point where the earth ends and our ascension into spirit begins. For them the number five was numerologically the perfect combination of even (two) and odd (three) representing the unity of heaven and earth. Sounding the perfect fifth is a general sound tonic. Some of the sound healing benefits of the fifth are: alleviates depression; enhances joint mobility; balances Earth with spirit; directly stimulates nitric oxide release that is anti bacterial, anti viral and enhances the immune system, balances the heart, pituitary gland and sphenoid bone, balances sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.”

So the science guys have agreed and therefore it must be true. I think selling turning forks is awesome if it works for you, then great. But I do love it how we finally listen to ancient wisdom when someone throws in some quotes and wants to sell you something. However, just to understand the concept that vibration and sound are integral to how we feel and how we heal is key to knowing that you can heal.

It would seem also it only works if you believe it works. The laws of the universe have been here from the start. And all this knowledge is just the beginning of understanding. Christ healed those who asked and those who believed that he could. The roman centurion asking him to heal a servant as he believed he could is a deliberate example of this in the Bible.

The word personality comes from per sona, meaning through sound. It has been understood in many ancient civilizations that we have our own song,

a vibration specific to us.

Some african tribes will take a pregnant woman in to the wilderness to hear the child's song before birth. If any one in the village has done something wrong, the tribe will sing the song to this person to remind them of who they are in spirit, so they can see how they have moved away from this in their behaviour.

See more of this in Stewart Pearce's talks on you tube.

Certainly food for thought. We simply accept we are “ more advanced in the west' but have much to re learn from ancient culture.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.


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