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There is an energy in everything and everyone around us.

Spiritual or scientific stuff?


Gratitude is often quoted as being the source of attracting more good energy to ourselves in the universe. It seem to be the currency of the laws of attraction for brining positive things or feelings to us.

First, know that you can access the Divine anytime and speak privately to God with conversations of gratitude not demanding and asking.

The emotion behind a sort of desperate asking is generally "lack" and that's what the universe seems to hear. Asking is good, but mostly if you say,

“I really like this, can I have some more of it?” and that's what you will get. The intention behind it is gratitude.

If you say I don't have this, I want it. It just doesn't appear to work so well. You can aspire to have what you don't have, and aim high!!! Yet be grateful for the slightest increment in the direction of getting it.

If it's health. When I am healthy, I love being healthy, thank you. If it's “I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. Please make me better..” Guess what the universe hears. The emotion of lack and desperation.

This kind of plea can motivate you at first, but it really doesn't work to keep motivating you. We need positive motivating for the long run, not fear of the negative happening again. When we are truly in the dumps, its not ignoring the situation, its simply looking at what is possible in the now. What is good that we can build on now? In fact more like the surrendering to the moment that Eckhart tolle talks about, not giving in, but acceptance of the present moment as it. If it is unpleasant, find something in that experience that is okay and that you can build on.

Of course we pray in need and despair when we hit rock bottom and God really does hear you and helps you, if you are listening back. People tend to forget it's a two way chat. Pray then listen.

But the real strength moving forward is in affirming gratitude for what you do have, or simply appreciating what is around you. This is where God wants us to be. Once he picks you up, you then develop faith in this synergistic two way relationship with God and your energised surroundings.

We actually strengthen ourselves in being grateful and weaken ourselves if we are continually needy. We see this in everyday life, not so difficult then to see it on the spiritual plane too.

And once you are stronger it is the natural next step to want to give. Send out love to receive love. You can't give what you don't have. What happens when you squeeze the orange as Wayne Dyer pointed out so many times, orange juice, because that's what's inside. What happens when you get really squeezed, when life happens, how do you react? What's inside you day to day is how you will react.

Life is symbiotic. We gain energy as we observe the world around us in all it's beauty with gratitude. The way you truly receive is through your observation in “gratitude mode” if you like.

Hence the parable much is given to those who have much and much is taken from those who have not. The “have” here is not material but how much gratitude and joy fills your heart.

Conversely, if you are angry, bitter and resentful, you will attract the same, people included. Nothing is "taken" as such, but much is lost or rather just not gained in focusing on the negative.

Perhaps more accurately joy is just not attracted to you because your mind is focused on the opposite. It does seem unfair when we look at so called

undeserving people who get more than us.

But it is us who are removing happiness from ourselves by being consistently unhappy in resentment toward the world and jealousy of others. And who defines undeserving?

So it may appear unfair sometimes, but it's not really, if we can just guide our thoughts to continued gratitude.

If you have nothing and your life has been pretty awful, then just be grateful to be alive.

Life is a gift in whatever capacity or time you have. Be grateful you live now in this time right now today. Life is the gift, and gratitude is the magnet for JOY or happiness and it will compound the more you focus on it with gratitude.

The past is a series of events with good and bad emotional associations. We should rather look to our surroundings in the present. We survived whatever trauma or continue to survive. We are alive today to live another day. This is gratitude in it's most simple but really effective mode.

To see one miracle in your life is easy, but to attract continued miracles day after day is to be consistently grateful. This simple task will unfold a powerful message to the universe that will translate into more happiness and more gratitude and a renewed mind of strength to deal with whatever happens next.

We control the plane journey not the weather. When the plane is flying full velocity in one direction it will take time to change course, but it can go in a completely different direction and change direction at any time. When you turn around, depending on the speed of the plane it will take a bit of time to turn the plane. The speed being how strong your previous intentional emotions were, good or bad. We should be able with practise of focusing those thoughts to gratitude and self awareness to travel in the right direction and adjust day to day for the best flight possible.

Recovery isn't over night from anything and sometimes even as you recover a new problem arises. Many times with addiction and disease or just life throwing those curve balls at you, inspite of our best efforts, we just want to give up. It all seems pointless to keep trying and it's exhausting.

My epiphany to stop drugs, alcohol, smoking and the need for superficial affirmation and love all stopped at once. After years of study and re-training of my negative mind patterns.

Still, The penny dropped as it were in an instant that, ' It's not a fight.'

No one can fight hard twenty years and win. For one thing your focus remains firmly in the battle and the negative, so you attract more of that!!

It's a choice to feel better “incrementally” each day and the steady process of falling goes in the other direction. It becomes a battle when our attitude is to try really hard to STOP or to FIGHT addiction, illness, or life's hardships. You don't give up, you allow it to be, and yet focus on the recovery and how awesome that is, no matter how small or incremental each day. You don't give the energy of your thoughts to the negative. You just observe it, and see a way around, you see the solution, no matter how impossible.

The key is to know that it's a reward in itself to be grateful for what you do have today and in that very thought lies the energy to overcome the so called hardships that actually then start to fade in importance. Your focus is no longer giving them the importance that negativity so wants and feels so oddly comfortable to us when we lie there for long enough.

Obstacles and competition become fun. Disease, illness and addiction fades in it's crippling strangle hold of taking all your 'attention' up, and that leads to better and better and better existence, if you are consistent. It really is in the intention, the focus, the attitude.

For example I am “relieved” that I am well, suggests fear that you may get ill again. However, I am “grateful” for my health, suggests this is want you want and will attract more of. The distinction is small, and of course we feel relief sometimes. But once again as on going emotion, I would feel better to be grateful than relieved!

The problems don't always go, you just become stronger and more able to observe them more clearly.

It's not diminishing the problem, it's removing it's strangle hold grip of you which can turn to despair.

Then you find energy and solutions and perspective on it, and are better equipped to deal with it in whatever capacity, and then maybe even overcome it.

With God nothing is impossible. So anything is possible. Except perhaps flying as that's a bit silly. Unless you are an Xmen. And it should be pointed out that it is impossible in today's world thoughts paradigms which is where we are all living tin this agreed upon dimension. Who knows maybe in the future, keep an open mind to the seemingly impossible and your very mindset change to the more closely achievable!

And of course, I am not advocating blind faith healing either. The mind focused with all the resources of scientific and medical knowledge and with a powerful faith in God and your self as one synergistic partnership, then you can really achieve a great deal more than you thought possible.

Thus we expand our horizons of the impossible in our own thought world. At the very least you will achieve more in a consistent affirming and positive mind pattern than in a limited and negative one. That is simply obvious and proved so in science fact and spiritual belief around the globe.

It is however “impossible” to feel negative, stress, anxiety depression and anger if you are in a state of genuine gratitude. Gratitude crushes shame. You can't be ashamed if you feel a lesson was learnt. The opening of your mind was achieved, even grateful that you overcame and moved on from whatever caused the shame. “To die of shame” or to “be grateful that you live now as a powerful and knowing survivor blessed by God”.

Most of us don't see gratitude as a strong place to be in. The perception is of weakness and giving in to just be happy with you have. A poor and humble attitude. The idea of striving hard to get somewhere and never taking time to be grateful along the way, is the way to not ever getting there by definition as you always want more. In our synergistic universe you will either burn out, lack of energy. Or just never enjoy the journey.

The truth is, it is a much more powerful position to be in. When gratitude is at your core, when you do achieve which you will, the sense of synergy with everything and people and of course divine energy from God and everything around you will keep you there. Most of all you will be happy in the journey and the many destinations. If you muscle and strive, you may get to the top of your wish list, but the journey will be much more un fulfilling and each destination won't last long as you will never be satisfied or grateful. Competition is fun, but not at the expense of your self or others around you.

Squeeze the orange now and see what comes out under any situation. It is easy to be strong and generous in good times, but when life is tough, you will still be filled with gratitude and an inner strength and knowing from Divine love and confidence beyond any material wealth or even human love can give. You are part of this world in this particular gift of life, so treasure it in what ever capacity you can.

I believe we choose the different things we are going through specific to our life before coming here. How we best live to our fullest capacity in this our chosen life. That is our purpose. To know this is to feel calm and truly connected with the Divine, and not angry but in understanding this is the game. We then can proceed with no fear but with courage and happiness and an identity that is completely different to everyone else and a eternal soul beyond the constraints of this world or this particular life.

We may find similar people to share and enjoy life with, but you have no need to compare the bad stuff with others. Talk about it, but don't make it your long term identity badge of sorrow. Be gratful you live and are truly unique. You have the perfect journey for the perfect you in this lifetime. With expanded perspective our perceptions change and with that comes humility in the face of the universe and our part that we play out here. A spiritual confidence a knowing which defeats all kinds of fear. Gratitude is the is the guiding emotional sword that greets all with positive and so unfolds more of the same.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.


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