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The "jourmey" is the easy approach to the first step, which is in your thought, from extreme negative patterns to positive mind state

Infinite patience has immediate results.

Stress and anxiety are killers of productivity and happiness, and yet they are created by our thoughts. Of course things happen and the stress is real, but we can change how we approach what happens and the stress is diminished. Much easier said than done. We run the race of life trying to be better than everyone else, when we should do the best we can in competition with ourselves. And enjoy running the race with others.

It depends how you look at it. "Approach", "look at", or more specifically "think. I struggled with addiction and it's added bi-products stress and anxiety for many years. I studied many ideas around positive thinking and the laws of attraction.

After years of listening to other addicts, myself included, talk about their war stories even though clean and sober it was apparent that we remained in a great deal of pain by saying "how tough it was to remain sober and clean" and frequently relapsed. It became, "who had the toughest story", and didn't really help us as individuals to address the real issue, which was what we needed to learn in our own journey. Of course it's good to share experiences. But at some point we need to look at self and see what is stopping us from moving forward, and it is most likely your own thoughts as regards the matter. You can share, hold on, or enjoy the perpetuated misery of comparison with emotions.

And so, the real solution came for me when I decided, if it all begins with thought and not the physical, then it should be easy to stop everything and move towards a more positive frame of mind because I chose to, in thought, each day. The thing is to observe how you feel, look at the emotion, change your perspective to what can you learn from it, and how do you move forward and deal with it if it comes up again. A lot of discipline in the face of strong emotion? Having positive or so called negative emotions are the sign boards for movement in life. If they are not good feelings, then you need to ask why and what is happening that you can change. If you can't change a situation, change how you see it, how you deal with it.

It does get easier. If you simply acknowledge or "know", that every day you do this, that compounded "thought belief" will attract more positivity. I even used this idea to stop smoking successfully with no withdrawal feelings or even negative impulses or urges to want to do it again. Take back control. Thoughts become creation.

The "seemingly" impossible physical urges and emotions to overcome are also created in their infancy with thought. After a while with this positive mind set approach, your mind becomes like a compound interest account, where the default setting is now positive. The negative thoughts still float around, but are not allowed to rule as they did before. Our focus has changed. So now you are reversing the process that got you to the extreme addiction or negative mind set in the first place. In the past, you most likely, like myself, spent ages focusing more and more on the negative!

In other words. My approach was that this was EASY and it became easy. Of course, it is mind numbingly difficult at first, because that is how we see anything that is like a completely different task to what we have built in our minds. Like riding a bike.

Remember how impossible you thought it would be to ride a bike or even drive a car. Now it's not even something you even think about, you just do it.

You have to practise positive thinking, and re-framing your perspective, every time a negative thought rolls in. And there are many ways to do it. Visualisation, affirmation etc. The point is that it all starts with your thoughts.

Incidentally, it is true that negative thoughts originate from fight or flight instincts that are to warn us of danger. But it's also clear that there comes a point where these thoughts hinder rather than help.

So how is it possible to re-frame the mind?

One great visualisation technique I found was to imagine what you are going to do or aspire to do AFTER you have already attained your current dreams. That puts you squarely into a "present" mind state of already having achieved what you want, and is actually fun to do. You can do it with a "close friend" even as a game, or write notes to yourself about what your plans are now that you have achieved all your goals. Crazy? Or getting inspired? Even your approach to that will dictate what happens next.

I understand it sounds annoying to any addict to say it is easy to quit, but it was easy to start. And we just compounded the problem with our thoughts until every thought and urge was wired into that negative spiral. I was addicted over 20 years and had many near death experiences, so I don't

be-little the task ahead.

But at the same time, we only have so much time here and it's time to start living and to take that process day by day if necessary. It does eventually become like, "why the hell didn't I do this before?"

I have heard so many times you can't change the mind, with the mind that created the problem in the first place. Actually, you can. Otherwise none of us would get better. Obviously the phrase refers to getting help, which is essential, but YOU have to take the first step and then continue to do that everyday, to fill that glass of muddy water with drops of clear water until the glass is all clear.

Basically, we want to move from situation A to situation B. Both are in the physical realm. Thoughts become things is how we guide that journey, and thoughts are not in the physical realm.

We become stressed and anxious because we cannot control our physical worlds, entirely. To some extent we can, but we can't control the specifics of people, places and things for obvious reasons. If we focus in the thought realm and then act accordingly we can better "guide"that journey.

If you are already trying affirmations and visualizing and not getting what you want, then perhaps your beliefs are in conflict with what you want.

In other words "lack of faith" in your self. Your negative self doubting sub conscious thoughts are sabotaging your desired conscious thoughts.

Or sometimes you actually need to change path, or find a new direction on the existing path.

Some soul searching is key here, as our true emotions are the best guide to where we are and where we are headed.

Emotions are the vibrational energy or language of the universe. If you are sabotaging yourself just keep adding the positive thoughts, It really is like a glass of muddy water, just keep adding clear water. Eventually the whole glass will be clear. Good image to keep in mind when you are struggling,

I think it's great to have big dreams. But since this all works with vibrational forces, we need to see where we are resonating now.

In other words, think where you "feel" you are now realistically. Then start to move slowly with another thought that makes you feel you are moving even slightly towards your goal. The universe will pick up the speed, Trust me. Have faith and patience.

"Infinite patience has immediate results".

The clue is to sustain consistent positive affirmations and actions until they become the default thoughts, not the negative. The next step is to move into your aspirations or dreams. We should all have big dreams. The key is to apply a more gradual movement forward.

For example, If you have massive dreams. Like running a huge business. It may not manifest how you think it will. You may have to set up and fail in a few smaller businesses in order to succeed with the large dream.

But more simply put, if you are moving from goal A to Z , you may have to move incrementally through the alphabet to get there. Then you can say you did the impossible and got from A to Z.

Change your perspective of past and future as you move forward in thought, so that you see your past as a necessary part of how you grew and not as a mistake. It was simply a journey to enlighten you. And with that perspective of the past, your present is re in-vigorated. And the future should then become exciting, as I described in the article "PEBBLE," at

If you trust the divine intelligence that assists you, then it is no longer fear of the future but excitement to see how it unravels. And to listen to God iust be quiet and listen to your own heart as that's where he speaks to you. Not in language but through a sense of the feeling of peace, calm and knowing.

People who really succeed don't see failure, and when it happens, it is a genuine learning process, part of the ladder to scale the wall. Most of the time our obstacles are the constant rattling negative inner monologues we have with ourselves. Past experiences are there to teach not to hinder us, no matter how painful they are at the time.

I think we choose this life, before we even commit our souls to a life on earth, with it's intended obstacles, how we experience and learn from them and how life continues to unfold with those "awakenings" is within our freewill.

I watched an episode of a "sporting event" in which the person that came second was devastated. We run races to win, but if our entire focus is in beating everyone one else, we will never enjoy the event. And interestingly, the person that came first seemed much more relaxed at to the outcome of the event. And was most likely more concerned with just achieving their best than looking over their shoulder at the other competitors.

Thomas Fairfoot. Author of "Gladiators of light" and Comedian.

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